Easy Way Make Money Online

Juoglo_Imagine if you could get money just by becoming a follower Twitter someone. Imagine also if you can earn money just by adding friends on Facebook or by joining a Facebook group in particular. Imagine also if you can get money just by downloading Vote Digg or to a particular article on a blog.

You want?

If you want, Join Now,, Click Here 

What is Joblay.com?

Joblay.com is a site that connects those who need assistance to complete the work online (in Joblay.com called the Employer) to those who want to help complete the online job (in Joblay.com called the Worker). For every job that can be resolved, given the commission. What's it worth? Depending on the "job" to be done. Commission for the "job" to write reviews of products, which requires the ability to write, certainly bigger than the "job" to someone Twitter follower, which only requires a finger to click the "Follow Me". But the principle, if you want you can get whatever commission you want.

Job Example

Some examples of "job" you can do in Joblay.com are:

- Follow on Twitter (SmartWebDigital): $ 0.01
- Like on Facebook (JustinBieber Fans Page): $ 0.01
- Sign up LotBux: $ 0.08
- Sign up Mozy Free: $ 0.10
- Sign up World Coolest Homepages: $ 0.10
- Completing surveys (Bookmarks): $ 0.20

Increase Pagerank With Backlinks

SEO, what is SEO??, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means a technique used to improve the search ranking of your blog or website by search engines like google. One way to improve the ranking of blogs or blog pagerank can be done in a way to get backlinks as much. 
 BacklinksWhat is Backlink?,

Backlinks are links on the websites of other people when the click will lead to your blog or website. Backlinks to form our web site address in the form of the url, for example http:// web address us, or may be writing the keywords with our web url is hidden behind writing these keywords, in essence, is a direct link on our website.
How do I get backlinks?
Actually the point is to spread our web site link to a website site to others.
Web site a person can be differentiated into 2, that is no follow and do follow, if we spread a web link, or our blog on websites other people who no follow, then it is not counted as a backlink, but counted as a link exchange, it also does not hurt anyway still we will keep spreading the link and provide a great opportunity to be clicked on and visited.
 If you do follow it is clear a lot of profits, the more we spread the link websites / blogs on the web site do follow, surely google spider will see it is to raise our keyword rank in Google and will also be counted when Google update the pagerank (PR).
How to find do follow a web site can be done by typing on google search engine with keywords "do follow", if you want a web site, Or look for the website with the keywords "list of websites do follow".
Explore blogs or websites that do follow them then please comment and leave a link .. Hopefully helpful and good luck

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10 Firefox add-ons to improve SEO

juoglo_SEO (Search Engine Optimization) website or blog in the world is considered very important to create a website or blog quickly popular search engines. One way to improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website or blog is to use a plugin or add-ons. Here are some Firefox add-ons that can help you to speed up the process of SEO.
  • SEO for Firefox from SEO Book.
The function add-on is to add additional information under a site when you do a search with Google search engine. You'll find information such as PageRank, Backlinks, Whois, and other SEO information.
  • SEOpen.
Add-on that includes a lot of information such as SEO for Firefox, but with the additional right-click menu.
  • Shareholic.
The function add-on is sharing bookmarks and email links very easily. Shareholic easier for you to submit your website or blog you're visiting to dig, facebook, FriendFeed, google bookmarks, twitter, etc..
  • StumbleUpon.
The function of the add-on is the official StumbleUpon toolbar (Bookmarks). 
(Https: / / addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5478) The function add-on is managing your bookmarks. Add-on has been supporting various services such as: del.icio.us, digg.com, ma.gnolia.com, netvouz.com, linkarena.com, and memori.ru.
  • Web Developer Toolbar.
Its function is to provide assistance in web design. Add-on features such as highlighting and disabling elements - elements that are different. Add-on also has a tool - a tool to check the validation XHMTL / CSS.
  • Seo Quake.
Its function is to add a toolbar with a lot of SEO information easily visible and accessible.
  • SearchStatus.
The function add-on is providing SEO information that is displayed on the browser status bar, such as PageRank and Alexa Ranking. With a right click then you can get other information you need and can find out whether a website or blog impose a "DoFollow" by enabling the "Highlight Nofollow Links".
  • ZoomIt.
Intended for the use BloggingZoom. Add-on makes it easier for you in submitting and zooming a posting on BloggingZoom.
  • yExplore.
Provide the fastest access to Yahoo Site Explorer.

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Latest Tricks to Improve SEO

Juoglo_Hi friends. this time we will talk about how to improve SEO for beginners. SEO is a science of science combined with art in the world wide web or blog. Why do I say art. because in the world of SEO we need to learn to compose words of a keyword, so that sentence structure can be beautiful and good. that's the art of improving the SEO blog. we need once we learn the tricks of SEO.
From year to year, changing the formula from Google, so we need to pay attention to the tricks of SEO on every year. in the year 2011, proved to have a SEO trick that is different from the previous year. Like what's the difference and what are the tricks.

Tricks to increase SEO in 2011:
  • Trik first SEO, Keyword cultivated throughout the paragraph. In this case, for you must learn to compose words and put each keyword in each paragraph of us. With keywords evenly distributed search engine google will make it easier to find our pages.
  • Trik second SEO, Use a title that contains keywords you. Because google will usually prefer the title or name of the blog that match keywords.
  • Trik third SEO, mark each keyword with a Bold or Underline or a different color
  • Trik fourth SEO, Increase backlinks of your articles on a blog - blogs do follow. Try your search for backlinks on the web that has a theme similar to your blog.
  • Trik fifth SEO, to check the number of backlinks you, please use the backlink checker engines such as backlinkwatch or checklink.
  • Trik sixth SEO, do the ping for your backlinks quickly in the crawl by google

How Fast Get PageRank Update

Juoglo.blogspot.com_The following steps and fast mode in Google PageRank update? we must never underestimate the dissemination of information with marketing seo system fast? And in this post wetried invite all to take advantage of the awesomeness factor of time and speed the spread of this in the form of backlink. SEO TUTORIAL 

It's easy, All you have to do is put these links on your blogs or articles.

- Yahoo
- Foredi
- Generator
- Harga printer
- Portable diesel generator
- Best gaming laptop
- Portable diesel generator reviews
- Macbook pro 2012
- Beauty counter
- MacBook pro benchmarks
- SEO Tutorial
- SEO and Make Money

But remember, before you put the link above, you must remove the participant number 1 from the list. So that all participants up 1 level. Who was number 2 become number 1, number 3 was 2, and so on. Then insert your own links at the bottom (number 10).SEO TUTORIAL

If each participant can take only 5 people, then the number of backlinks that will be obtained is like this.

When you position 10, the number of backlink = 1
Position 9, Number backlink = 5
Position 8, Number backlink = 25
Position 7, Number backlink = 125
Position 6, Number backlink = 625
Position 5, Number backlink = 3.125
Position 4, Number backlink = 15.625
Position 3, Number backlink = 78.125
Position 2, Number backlink = 390.625
Position 1, Number backlink = 1,953,125

And all of them use keywords that you want. From the side you've got SEO 1,953,125 backlinks and side effects if a web visitor of the downline you clicked the link, also make your blog get additional traffic.SEO TUTORIAL

Well, please copy and paste this article, and remove the participant number 1 and add a link blog / website you're in position 10. Remember, you have to start from position 10 for maximum results. Because if you tiba2 in position 1, then the link you will disappear once someone has entered the top 10. 

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How to make blog be number one on Google

http://juoglo.blogspot.com _The question of how How To Blog So Number One on Google is often once a complaint of all beginner bloggers right now, because to get good position in google search in particular google.com does require some special tips. For the problem of what platform we use is not be a problem, could use a blogspot or wordpress. SEO TUTORIAL

However, the most important is the influence of seo offpage or call backlinks. Get the backlink is a link text in the form of reply was in your blog or website other people if we click it will go to a page of our blog. The text of the link is usually in the form of anchor text or short text which usually is the key word from a page that goal.SEO TUTORIAL
The function of backlinks is very important To Blog So Number One on Google and increase the popularity of a blog or commonly known as pagerank be a measure of authority and importance of these sites primarily by search engines such as Google. For the bigger pagerank blog sooner we become number 1 in google within each keyword.SEO TUTORIAL

At this meeting I want to give an easy tips but the results are remarkable in getting quick google pagerank. So basically the faster way to do this the more likely your blog friends will be number one on google when they are getting pagerank later. To learn more please read the tutorial here.. How To Quickly Update PageRank google.

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Increase Traffic Page View With Pop Up Windows

Generate additional traffic with ease, some bloggers and website do the trick Popup Windows Automatically who will put in another website, so if the visitor opens the website ate our website will automatically open, and certainly increase traffic web / blog.

Popup Windows Automatically opening a Windows command also called a popup using javascript, which is how it works is if we access the blog that have Windows automatically installed a popup script, it will automatically open a new page which can be pages and advertising blogs advertising.

In general, there are at least 3 (three) weaknesses PopUp install the script on your website / blog, namely:

1. Make some visitors uncomfortable, because they felt disturbed concentration in the presence of new windows;

2. Popups will not work if the browser tool java script disabled (disabled);

3. Especially for Popup Windows Automatically script, apparently on the Mozilla Firefox browser loading a bit slow.

How to install Popup Windows Automatically on blogspot is as follows:

1. Log into your Blogger dashboard, select Layout / Layout, then click Edit HTML and do not forget to check the Expand Widget Templates box;

2. Place the script below is above the code </body> :


//number of days the cookie should
//last (0 will cause it to always pop up)
var expDays = 1;
//url of the page you want to popup
var page = "http://(your link here).blogspot.com";
var Windowsprops = "
width=1050, height=950, location=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes";
function GetCookie (name) {
var arg = name + "=";
var alen = arg.length;
var clen = document.cookie.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < clen) {
var j = i + alen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)
return getCookieVal (j);
i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
if (i == 0) break;
return null;
function SetCookie (name, value) {
var argv = SetCookie.arguments;
var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length;
var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null;
var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null;
var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null;
var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false;
document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) +
((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) +
((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) +
((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) +
((secure == true) ? "; secure" : "");
function DeleteCookie (name) {
var exp = new Date();
exp.setTime (exp.getTime() - 1);
var cval = GetCookie (name);
document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
var exp = new Date();
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + (expDays*24*60*60*1000));
function amt(){
var count = GetCookie('count')
if(count == null) {
return 1
} else {
var newcount = parseInt(count) + 1;
return count
function getCookieVal(offset) {
var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset);
if (endstr == -1)
endstr = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));
function checkCount() {
var count = GetCookie('count');
if (count == null) {
SetCookie('count', count, exp);
Windows.open(page, "", Windowsprops);
} else {
SetCookie('count', count, exp);

3. If the steps above have been completed, then Save / Save Template and see the results.


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