Easy Way Make Money Online

Juoglo_Imagine if you could get money just by becoming a follower Twitter someone. Imagine also if you can earn money just by adding friends on Facebook or by joining a Facebook group in particular. Imagine also if you can get money just by downloading Vote Digg or to a particular article on a blog.

You want?

If you want, Join Now,, Click Here 

What is Joblay.com?

Joblay.com is a site that connects those who need assistance to complete the work online (in Joblay.com called the Employer) to those who want to help complete the online job (in Joblay.com called the Worker). For every job that can be resolved, given the commission. What's it worth? Depending on the "job" to be done. Commission for the "job" to write reviews of products, which requires the ability to write, certainly bigger than the "job" to someone Twitter follower, which only requires a finger to click the "Follow Me". But the principle, if you want you can get whatever commission you want.

Job Example

Some examples of "job" you can do in Joblay.com are:

- Follow on Twitter (SmartWebDigital): $ 0.01
- Like on Facebook (JustinBieber Fans Page): $ 0.01
- Sign up LotBux: $ 0.08
- Sign up Mozy Free: $ 0.10
- Sign up World Coolest Homepages: $ 0.10
- Completing surveys (Bookmarks): $ 0.20

Increase Pagerank With Backlinks

SEO, what is SEO??, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means a technique used to improve the search ranking of your blog or website by search engines like google. One way to improve the ranking of blogs or blog pagerank can be done in a way to get backlinks as much. 
 BacklinksWhat is Backlink?,

Backlinks are links on the websites of other people when the click will lead to your blog or website. Backlinks to form our web site address in the form of the url, for example http:// web address us, or may be writing the keywords with our web url is hidden behind writing these keywords, in essence, is a direct link on our website.
How do I get backlinks?
Actually the point is to spread our web site link to a website site to others.
Web site a person can be differentiated into 2, that is no follow and do follow, if we spread a web link, or our blog on websites other people who no follow, then it is not counted as a backlink, but counted as a link exchange, it also does not hurt anyway still we will keep spreading the link and provide a great opportunity to be clicked on and visited.
 If you do follow it is clear a lot of profits, the more we spread the link websites / blogs on the web site do follow, surely google spider will see it is to raise our keyword rank in Google and will also be counted when Google update the pagerank (PR).
How to find do follow a web site can be done by typing on google search engine with keywords "do follow", if you want a web site, Or look for the website with the keywords "list of websites do follow".
Explore blogs or websites that do follow them then please comment and leave a link .. Hopefully helpful and good luck

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10 Firefox add-ons to improve SEO

juoglo_SEO (Search Engine Optimization) website or blog in the world is considered very important to create a website or blog quickly popular search engines. One way to improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website or blog is to use a plugin or add-ons. Here are some Firefox add-ons that can help you to speed up the process of SEO.
  • SEO for Firefox from SEO Book.
The function add-on is to add additional information under a site when you do a search with Google search engine. You'll find information such as PageRank, Backlinks, Whois, and other SEO information.
  • SEOpen.
Add-on that includes a lot of information such as SEO for Firefox, but with the additional right-click menu.
  • Shareholic.
The function add-on is sharing bookmarks and email links very easily. Shareholic easier for you to submit your website or blog you're visiting to dig, facebook, FriendFeed, google bookmarks, twitter, etc..
  • StumbleUpon.
The function of the add-on is the official StumbleUpon toolbar (Bookmarks). 
(Https: / / addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5478) The function add-on is managing your bookmarks. Add-on has been supporting various services such as: del.icio.us, digg.com, ma.gnolia.com, netvouz.com, linkarena.com, and memori.ru.
  • Web Developer Toolbar.
Its function is to provide assistance in web design. Add-on features such as highlighting and disabling elements - elements that are different. Add-on also has a tool - a tool to check the validation XHMTL / CSS.
  • Seo Quake.
Its function is to add a toolbar with a lot of SEO information easily visible and accessible.
  • SearchStatus.
The function add-on is providing SEO information that is displayed on the browser status bar, such as PageRank and Alexa Ranking. With a right click then you can get other information you need and can find out whether a website or blog impose a "DoFollow" by enabling the "Highlight Nofollow Links".
  • ZoomIt.
Intended for the use BloggingZoom. Add-on makes it easier for you in submitting and zooming a posting on BloggingZoom.
  • yExplore.
Provide the fastest access to Yahoo Site Explorer.

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Latest Tricks to Improve SEO

Juoglo_Hi friends. this time we will talk about how to improve SEO for beginners. SEO is a science of science combined with art in the world wide web or blog. Why do I say art. because in the world of SEO we need to learn to compose words of a keyword, so that sentence structure can be beautiful and good. that's the art of improving the SEO blog. we need once we learn the tricks of SEO.
From year to year, changing the formula from Google, so we need to pay attention to the tricks of SEO on every year. in the year 2011, proved to have a SEO trick that is different from the previous year. Like what's the difference and what are the tricks.

Tricks to increase SEO in 2011:
  • Trik first SEO, Keyword cultivated throughout the paragraph. In this case, for you must learn to compose words and put each keyword in each paragraph of us. With keywords evenly distributed search engine google will make it easier to find our pages.
  • Trik second SEO, Use a title that contains keywords you. Because google will usually prefer the title or name of the blog that match keywords.
  • Trik third SEO, mark each keyword with a Bold or Underline or a different color
  • Trik fourth SEO, Increase backlinks of your articles on a blog - blogs do follow. Try your search for backlinks on the web that has a theme similar to your blog.
  • Trik fifth SEO, to check the number of backlinks you, please use the backlink checker engines such as backlinkwatch or checklink.
  • Trik sixth SEO, do the ping for your backlinks quickly in the crawl by google

How Fast Get PageRank Update

Juoglo.blogspot.com_The following steps and fast mode in Google PageRank update? we must never underestimate the dissemination of information with marketing seo system fast? And in this post wetried invite all to take advantage of the awesomeness factor of time and speed the spread of this in the form of backlink. SEO TUTORIAL 

It's easy, All you have to do is put these links on your blogs or articles.

- Yahoo
- Foredi
- Generator
- Harga printer
- Portable diesel generator
- Best gaming laptop
- Portable diesel generator reviews
- Macbook pro 2012
- Beauty counter
- MacBook pro benchmarks
- SEO Tutorial
- SEO and Make Money

But remember, before you put the link above, you must remove the participant number 1 from the list. So that all participants up 1 level. Who was number 2 become number 1, number 3 was 2, and so on. Then insert your own links at the bottom (number 10).SEO TUTORIAL

If each participant can take only 5 people, then the number of backlinks that will be obtained is like this.

When you position 10, the number of backlink = 1
Position 9, Number backlink = 5
Position 8, Number backlink = 25
Position 7, Number backlink = 125
Position 6, Number backlink = 625
Position 5, Number backlink = 3.125
Position 4, Number backlink = 15.625
Position 3, Number backlink = 78.125
Position 2, Number backlink = 390.625
Position 1, Number backlink = 1,953,125

And all of them use keywords that you want. From the side you've got SEO 1,953,125 backlinks and side effects if a web visitor of the downline you clicked the link, also make your blog get additional traffic.SEO TUTORIAL

Well, please copy and paste this article, and remove the participant number 1 and add a link blog / website you're in position 10. Remember, you have to start from position 10 for maximum results. Because if you tiba2 in position 1, then the link you will disappear once someone has entered the top 10. 

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How to make blog be number one on Google

http://juoglo.blogspot.com _The question of how How To Blog So Number One on Google is often once a complaint of all beginner bloggers right now, because to get good position in google search in particular google.com does require some special tips. For the problem of what platform we use is not be a problem, could use a blogspot or wordpress. SEO TUTORIAL

However, the most important is the influence of seo offpage or call backlinks. Get the backlink is a link text in the form of reply was in your blog or website other people if we click it will go to a page of our blog. The text of the link is usually in the form of anchor text or short text which usually is the key word from a page that goal.SEO TUTORIAL
The function of backlinks is very important To Blog So Number One on Google and increase the popularity of a blog or commonly known as pagerank be a measure of authority and importance of these sites primarily by search engines such as Google. For the bigger pagerank blog sooner we become number 1 in google within each keyword.SEO TUTORIAL

At this meeting I want to give an easy tips but the results are remarkable in getting quick google pagerank. So basically the faster way to do this the more likely your blog friends will be number one on google when they are getting pagerank later. To learn more please read the tutorial here.. How To Quickly Update PageRank google.

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Increase Traffic Page View With Pop Up Windows

Generate additional traffic with ease, some bloggers and website do the trick Popup Windows Automatically who will put in another website, so if the visitor opens the website ate our website will automatically open, and certainly increase traffic web / blog.

Popup Windows Automatically opening a Windows command also called a popup using javascript, which is how it works is if we access the blog that have Windows automatically installed a popup script, it will automatically open a new page which can be pages and advertising blogs advertising.

In general, there are at least 3 (three) weaknesses PopUp install the script on your website / blog, namely:

1. Make some visitors uncomfortable, because they felt disturbed concentration in the presence of new windows;

2. Popups will not work if the browser tool java script disabled (disabled);

3. Especially for Popup Windows Automatically script, apparently on the Mozilla Firefox browser loading a bit slow.

How to install Popup Windows Automatically on blogspot is as follows:

1. Log into your Blogger dashboard, select Layout / Layout, then click Edit HTML and do not forget to check the Expand Widget Templates box;

2. Place the script below is above the code </body> :


//number of days the cookie should
//last (0 will cause it to always pop up)
var expDays = 1;
//url of the page you want to popup
var page = "http://(your link here).blogspot.com";
var Windowsprops = "
width=1050, height=950, location=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes";
function GetCookie (name) {
var arg = name + "=";
var alen = arg.length;
var clen = document.cookie.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < clen) {
var j = i + alen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)
return getCookieVal (j);
i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
if (i == 0) break;
return null;
function SetCookie (name, value) {
var argv = SetCookie.arguments;
var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length;
var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null;
var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null;
var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null;
var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false;
document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) +
((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) +
((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) +
((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) +
((secure == true) ? "; secure" : "");
function DeleteCookie (name) {
var exp = new Date();
exp.setTime (exp.getTime() - 1);
var cval = GetCookie (name);
document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
var exp = new Date();
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + (expDays*24*60*60*1000));
function amt(){
var count = GetCookie('count')
if(count == null) {
return 1
} else {
var newcount = parseInt(count) + 1;
return count
function getCookieVal(offset) {
var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset);
if (endstr == -1)
endstr = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));
function checkCount() {
var count = GetCookie('count');
if (count == null) {
SetCookie('count', count, exp);
Windows.open(page, "", Windowsprops);
} else {
SetCookie('count', count, exp);

3. If the steps above have been completed, then Save / Save Template and see the results.

Adsense Tips and Trick For Blogger Part 5 Relevan Blog Ads

I have always stressed to get good earnings from adsen require this theory.

Revenue = high reader + high paying ads + relevant ads + well placed and designed ads

The third element is our Adsense that Adsense ads should be relevant. This is excellent for high rankings in search engines to generate high traffic levels, but without the relevant ads that relate to the content of your blog is not likely to generate many clicks the ads on your blog.Adsense Tips And Trick

Let me give you samples. I saw a fellow blogger who has been struggling with Adsense ads, while the content of his blog mostly focused on the topic of 'health service'. most of the ads that are presented to his blog focuses on the 'blogging'. He's getting a high enough level of traffic and have to pay quite a high topic (there are some good health care ads out there) but as you might expect, people who come to blog about health care are not clicking on ads for blogging software and services in a very high level. The challenge is to get his ads reflect the content of his blog.

another example. no blogger has a problem, he does not get ANY ads that are served to his site. Adaense provide only public service ads when they could not find relevant ads to pay (this does not pay).
How do you get relevant ads? Here are some things to tryAdsense Tips And Trick.

Make sure there are no ads available - my friend who did not get the ads that pay served to focus on keywords with no or very little advertising. A simple way to check this is to do a search on Google for keywords you are targeting. If they do not serve ads on their own search results pages indication that the ad was a rare - if not absent. The way we get ads on the blogs of friends to experiment with other related keywords. He does not have to change the focus of his blog - just the way he describes his topic. For example if there are no ads to 'blanket' try 'linen', 'sheet', etc. Experiment 'blanket' with different combinations until you find something that works.

Improve your Keyword density - The more you use your keywords the more likely you are to get the ads on these topics. that knowledge does not know exactly how the Adsense bot decide what ads best match your content (if someone knows feel free to post in comments below) but it's pretty safe bet that if you put your keywords in your title, at least once in your the first paragraph and then spread throughout the rest of your page that will convince Adsense bot what your topic. This MAY also be helpful to include keywords in the URL of your page. This MAY also valuable, put your keywords in outbound links, bold, italics etc. All of these strategies also help to optimize the blog search engines Referring to that will not hurt.Adsense Tips And Trick

Check your Sidebars, menus, headers and footers - This is not just your main content that the Adsense bot searches to find the topic of your page, but also other regions. When I look at the health blog 'blogging' ads I see. noticed that the 'blog' word in its title, three times in his sidebar and once in his footer. It is also in its URL and he also uses the word quite often in his content. My recommendation is to remove words from as many places and improving health care keyword. Advertise improve the relevance of their almost instantaneous.Adsense Tips And Trick

Stick to one topic per page - obviously this may not be feasible on your front page - but efforts to maintain each individual blog entry / post is probably targeted. I've noticed that some people often include two or three topics in one entry - this will confuse the AdSense bot to divide it into two entries.

Block Ads relevant - Sometimes your best intentions though Google only got one and serve your ads that have nothing to do with what you write. If you get some irrelevant ads, you have to block them. Adsense allows you to do this for several sites and easy to perform. I have a number of ads blocked, some because they are philosophically inconsistent with what I write, but mainly because they simply are not relevant to the topic of my blog.Adsense Tips And Trick
Ask Adsense - If all else fails tell Google Adsense from your issue. Of course they are busy people - but Google prides itself on being responsive to users. I've emailed with the request several times, once on the problem of irrelevant ads, and every time I've obtained a positive result of my request.Adsense Tips And Trick

If you do all the above, you MUST find Adsense to serve you with relevant ads. In conjunction with other elements in our equation this will contribute to increase the clicks and hopefully higher Adsense earnings.Adsense Tips And Trick

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Adsense Tips And Trick
Adsense Tips And Trick

Adsense Tips and Trick For Blogger Part 4 HIGH PAYING KEYWOOD


In this opportunity we will discuss about the hight paying ads. or high-priced ads. with it you will get more than the previous.

Adsense Revenue = Traffic Levels + High Paying Ads + Relevant Ads + Positioned and Designed by optimally good.
These equations will be useless if the price of advertising is too small. I've come across ads for the price of one click hany get $ 0.01 and this scary love. you might think though herganya low but it does not matter much, not a problem if you want to be like that, but why do not we try this way for our income increases.

Furthermore from the equation that needs to be examined Adsense is how to get high paying Adsense ads up and running on your site. Clearly in any way a business to get higher profits is to pay a high, while you do not immediately say how many ads are running on your site - there is no way targeting types of ads that might bring a higher return than the other.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK

As we mentioned in our initial explanation of the equation, PVR Blog is one example of a blog that targets a type of ads that are tolerable - ads for PVR technology. While I do not know the specific profit and I suspect blogs like Gizmodo who run Adsense ads will also produce higher-paying ads, because they focus on technology.
The lesson we can learn from blogs such as these is that they attract a particular advertisement (which may well pay) to keep their content is targeted on the same topic. To further simplify what we say - if you want ads on blogs Phones, Cameras.
Finding High Paying Ads is not as easy as it sounds. Do a search to Google on the High Paying Adsense Ads and you will not find too many sites that list the best keywords for Adsense. in the forum tend to be closed to high-priced keywords. and this is a natural thing in the business.

Adsense Tips and Trick For Blogger Part 3 increasing Blog Traffic

ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK I have witnessed many cases of which get a bit publiser adsense earnings. adsense publiser work hard but easy. you should also know that luck is the key to success, but no luck with the same effort. let's try and make a fortune for us.

Adsense Revenue = Traffic Levels + High Paying Ads + Relevant Ads + ad position on optimizing and designed.
I will now turn my attention to each of the four elements of good Adsense revenue and gives some practical tips and easy to implement ways to improve each of my experiences.

Increase Traffic Rate is a key component to increase Adsense earnings. As I wrote earlier, "The more people who see your Adsense ads, the more likely someone will click on your ad." Increase your blog readers are not as simple as it sounds, it takes time, patience and hard work (and sometimes need luck) Having said that there are many things you can do to get your blog in front of a broader audience and expose the message no adsense on your site you to more potential 'Clickers'. Here are some tips ...
Quality, Interesting, Useful and Original Content - what blogs you like reading the most? It is important to increase your readers unless you have a 'gimmick' pretty incredible to bring masuk.desain blog readers will be very influential to take my first impression of your blog readers and create a desire to repeat. there are millions of blogs out there that have very high values, get thousands of visitors for one hour only, there are hundreds of wonderful blog templates that you can get and free. you just need to manage the layout.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK

Links to another - be generous with links to other bloggers large and small. You'd be surprised how many links back to your street. This not only brings traffic from their sites but also hurt your rankings in Google.

Comments on other blogs - Some of my most loyal readers come to my blog because I really interact with them on their blog through comments. Hear me now, I say truly because it is easy to spam in the comments, but this will have the opposite effect to produce readers to your blog.
Update Frequently - imagine your blog visitors are people who easily get bored. it means you have to frequently update your blog as often as you can with interesting content.

Interacting with readers - Having an interactive blog that invites the reader's involvement is one way to generate repeat visitors. I have written a tip about Blogging Interactive includes a number of interactive tools that you can use on your blog. Also check out these tips on how to effectively use the comments to improve the interactivity on your blog.

Optimize for Search Engines - I can not stress enough how important search engines to increase traffic, especially traffic that will click on your ad. I found that 95% of my traffic comes from Google and have found that anecdotal evidence shows click traffic through Adsense ads on a higher level of traffic from links on other blogs and sites. So you have to work hard for getting listed and ranked in the Search Engine.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK

Add signature to outbound email - Learning a lesson from Hotmail that have used the signature at the bottom of their email users for years to promote their home page and generate interest in their products. Be careful though if you do not want your world collide!

Web Rings - There are thousands of webrings that you can sign up. I'm not sure how effective they are today, but some people still swear to them.

Add RSS feeds to your blog - the more people read blogs without ever visiting them through News Aggregators that retrieve information using RSS. While this does not guarantee they will visit an aggregator to read your blog (and hence you see Adsense ads) would increase the likelihood of them dropping by, especially if you invite your comments and internal links in your posts.
List your site in the Portal - Many sites exclusively for the list of blogs. If you want people to find you submit your blog to be listed on them. Some focus on specific topics, while others list of blogs on various topics (such as Eaton Web and Globe of Blogs). other portals as well as many blogs Blog Street with a variety of ways that may increase your blog visitors.

Blog Search Engines and Indexes - Get yourself registered on sites such as Technorati (I think they need a RSS). This site has a feature that allows people to search for blog entries via topic and keywords. They also list of topics that recently the most popular and each has other interesting features that can enhance your blogging experience.

Involved in the Project Blog and Memes - From time to time, other bloggers will invite your participation in the project blog. Involved, support their project and you probably will pay off.

Involved in other web forums - Really participate in web forums and discussion pages on related topics with your blog. Many of these allow you to add a signature to your posts that raise the profile of your blog.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK

Promote Your post - If you think you've written something worthwhile to spend a few minutes to let others know about it. I often shoot other bloggers to tell them about what I have written if I thought it would interest them. Think about it before you send email and do not bombard the same people constantly with every topic you write and to be selective, brief, polite and helpful with your email but do not be afraid to promote yourself.
Add to 'Email a Friend' option for your post - makes it easy for your readers to tell others about what you've written. I know this function will be used regularly in my blog and bring new readers.

These are just some ideas that I had used and seen others use to enhance the reader of a blog and thus increase the exposure of Adsense ads to the audience. What do you find effective methods to increase your blog readership? What works for you and what is not? What tips would you add to this collection?ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK
Of course, increasing traffic alone will not greatly increase your Adsense income, but it can help.

okay .. Next post I will help you on hight paying keywod (HPK). or often called keywod to pay for expensive advertising.

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Adsense Tips and Trick For Blogger Part 2

ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICKThere are many factors that affect the level of income from a blog using Google Adsense program. Books have been written explaining expert strategies for Adsense, but this is my core that our influence on the productivity of your adsense. Speaking in general terms here is a simple equation that describes how each of these factors contribute to Adsense Revenue.
Adsense Revenue = Traffic Levels + High Paying Ads + Relevant Ads + Advertising optimal Positioned and design.

Each of the four elements above contribute directly to the total income you'll earn from your Adsense ads. Do not just work on one of them even if there is a weak person that will keep your earnings potential back. Lets break down each of these factors influence adsense.

Traffic Levels - The more people who see your Adsense ads, more likely someone will click on them.

High Paying Ads. I confirm that high-priced ad will increase your income is very good, and the ads that pay dearly want a blog that dense traffic. many who pay for expensive advertising, such as advertising the latest technology. This ad will pay a good price because they need the promotion out there. Technological ad will certainly pay a lot of advertising lebig toothpick. what a joke you will advertise a toothpick. adsense not going to advertise low value if your blog has many visitors. to get the ads that have a high price you have to have a blog that attracts many visitors, and Google will give more on your ad. ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK

Relevant Ads - A second reason is the Server PVR Blog managed to relevant ads. Quite simply people looking for information on PVR technology are confronted by the Adsense ads for PVR technology. I recently visited a blog that is having trouble getting relevant ads - they have a blog at tourist destinations in Australia - but unfortunately they are getting Adsense ads for car remote control. You can guess what their income. Increasing the relevance of your ads to your content and you are one step closer to improving your Adsense income.
Optimally positioned and designed ads - One of the cool things about the Adsense program is that they give the freedom in choosing the best position and color scheme for your ads. Just as in the wider world of advertising - positioning are key elements for successful advertising. such as highway signs posted behind a tree, I am sure many motorists who violated because they do not see it. Position and design of your Adsense Ads are important - if they get out of their site will not be clickable.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK
Bringing them Together - The four elements that in many respects quite clear when the URLs like this - the challenge of coming to increase the income of each to optimize Adsense. Your income will grow only the highest or the weakest of these factors depend on your blog. For example if you have high-paying, relevant, well designed and ad position but not the traffic you will not do well. Likewise, if you have high traffic, relevant ads and high pay but they are poorly designed in a position where they would never have seen - you will waste all your other hard work. Its not enough to work on one element.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK
How do we enhance each other? In four of the next post we will examine each area in turn and suggests some ways you might try tweaking them to increase your income.

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Adsense Tips and Trick For Blogger Part 1

become publiser adsense very promising, proved much publiser which produces thousands of $, even tens of $, and there are hundreds of thousands of $. who is not interested. by hearing this news, many bloggers trying to be publiser adsense, but they refused. many factors that make them rejected. should we start is to prepare a blog.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK

Does your blog suitable for Adsense Right Now?

Before you rush to register for Adsense expect to get a million dollars you should ask the question of whether Adsense is the right revenue strategy for your blog. Does not mean it's the only option - you might want to check out this tip on other ways to make money from blogging. Although there are some remarkable success stories about earning big dollars with Adsense out there, it's good to see realistic in some truths about the Adsense program is very cold.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK

Google AdSense Program Policies indicate that the site's content should not contain things like excessive profanity, pornography, drugs, etc. Basically, your blog must have content that simply 'family friendly'. Also in their policy document is a reference for those usually do not receive a page that is private. This is a topic of much discussion in the Adsense forum and clearly open to different interpretations. Many personal blogs in the world, but to maximize your chances for approval Adsense blog must be targeted on a specific topic. For example, your blog has good topics, such as tourism, music, and others.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK
Sites accepted into the Adsense program is also required for the easy to navigate, has a sufficient amount of text-based content (not applicable if you have been blogging a week) and written in English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, or Spanish. They may not have the excessive ads or contextual ads / other competitors.
Although not stated in the policy document Adsense, many also believe that the site accepted into the program also need to have a reasonable level of traffic. If your blog is new, may be worth waiting a few weeks or months before applying to build a level of traffic and content. Blog more professional and successful you appear more likely to be accepted by Adsense.ADSENSE TIPS AND TRICK
If still in doubt after reading the Google AdSense Program Policies you can email Google for clarification or just apply and see how you can do it.

Of course, acceptance by Google into the Adsense program does not guarantee your success. The fact remains that certain blogs will always be more successful than others to generate revenue. Future posts in this series will focus on strategies and tips to increase your income but it must be stated here that the most successful sites are generally sites with traffic levels are very high and / or content directly related to specific products or services (a more bertarge would be better).

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How To Create A Website

Make a website is not an easy, but anyone can create your own website. are many advantages if we have a website, we can sell an item, promotions, information, and others.

If you want to create your own website or sites require special software to create websites. Microsoft office software is the Front Page and Macromedia Dreamweafer. Both the software frequently used by online businesses to create websites. But you are in demand to understand the language program html, php or other programming language. it's hard. you should not worry, because there are other ways to do it.

A well-known online businesses from Singapore named Ewen Chia's giving away the software maker free website. According to Ewen, using this software, you do not need to understand any programming language, you are quite capable of or can be a little typing and edit-edit images with photoshop. Within minutes, you can certainly make one made your own website. very great.!

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Do More With Your BlackBarry Part 3

 Shortcut To Your BlackBarry
  • Camera and Video Camera Shortcut 
Depending on your BlackBerry device, features a video camera or cameras might not be supported.
  1. To enlarge the target before shooting, press the Volume Up key.
  2. To minimize the target before shooting, press the Volume Down key.
  3. To take a picture, press the Right Convenience key.
  4. To change the flash mode for a picture or to enable low-light mode for video, press the Space key.
  • Search Shortcut
  1. To find a contact in your contacts list, type the contact name or initials separated by a space.
  2. To search for text in the message, press S.
  3. To search for text in an attachment or on a web page, press F.
  4. To search for text in a presentation, you should view the presentation in text view or in text or in a slide show. Press F.
  • Browser Shortcuts
  1. To insert a period (.) In the web address field, press the Space key.
  2. To insert a slash (/) in the web address field, press the Shift key and the Space key.
  3. To stop loading a web page, press the Escape key.
  4. To close the browser, press and hold the Escape key.
On The Web Page
  1. To switch between Column view and Page view, press Z.
  2. To enlarge the web page, press I.
  3. To zoom out web pages, press O.
  4. To move to a specific web page, press G.
  5. To return to the home page, press H.
  6. To enable support JavaScript, press J.
  7. To open the bookmark list, press K.
  8. To add a bookmark, press A.
  9. To view a list of web pages you visited recently, press Y.
  10. To update a web page, press R.
  11. To see the Web page address of a link, highlight the link. Press L.
  12. To see the address of a Web page, press P.
  13. To follow a link, highlight or pause on the link. Press the Enter key.
  14. To hide the banner, press U. To view the banner, press U.
  15. To open the browser options, within the browser, press S.
Down a Web Page
  1. To move up a screen, press the Shift key and the Space key.
  2. To move down a screen, press the Space key.
  3. To move onto the web page, press T.
  4. To move to the bottom of the web page, press B. 
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Source: http://docs.blackberry.com/en/

Do More With Your BlackBarry Part 2

 Shortcut To Your BlackBerry
  • Media Shortcut
  1. To stop the video or song, press the Mute key. To resume playing a video or song, press the Mute key again.
  2. To play the next song in a category, press N.
  3. To play the previous song in a category, press P.
  4. To play the next song in a playlist, press and hold the Volume Up key.
  5. To play the previous song in a playlist, press and hold the Volume Down key.
  6. To enable audio amplifier to amplify the volume of songs, ring tones, and video, press the Volume Up button until you reach the highest volume setting, then quickly press the Volume Up key four times.
  7. To move upward in a picture, press 2.
  8. To move downwards in a picture, press 8.
  9. To move to the right in a picture, press 6.
  10. To move to the left in an image, press 4.
  11. To return to the center of the image, press 5.
  12. To enlarge the image, press 3. To restore the original picture size, press 7.
  13. To zoom the image, press 9. To restore the original picture size, press 7.
  14. To rotate a picture, press L.
  15. To fit a picture with the screen size, press 1.
  • Typing shortcut
  1. To insert a period, press the Space key twice. The next letter is great.
  2. To capitalize a letter, hold the letter key until the letter appears.
  3. To type the alternate character on a key, press the Alt key and the character key
  4. To type an accented or special character, hold the letter key and roll the trackball to the left or right. For example, to type ü, hold U and roll the trackball to the left until ü appears. Release the letter key when accented or special character appears.
  5. To type a number in number field, press the number keys. You do not need to press the Alt key.
  6. To type a number in a text field, hold down the Alt key and press the number keys.
  7. To turn on NUM lock, press the Alt key and the Left Shift key. To turn off NUM lock, press the Shift key.
  8. To turn on CAP lock, press the Alt key and the Right Shift key. To turn off CAP lock, press the Shift key.
Inserting Iymbols
  1. To insert an at sign (@) or period (.) In the email address field, press the Space key.
  2. To type a symbol, press the Symbol key. Type the letter that appears below the symbol.
Using text
  1. To highlight a line of text, press the Shift key and roll the trackball up or down.
  2. To highlight text character by character, hold the Shift key and roll the trackball to the left or right.
  3. To cancel a text selection, press the Escape key.
  4. To cut highlighted text when typing, press the Shift key and the Backspace / Delete.
  5. To copy highlighted text when typing, press the Alt key and click the trackball.
  6. To paste highlighted text when typing, press the Shift key and click the trackball.
See You  In The Next Post, Do More With Your BlackBerry Part 3

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Do More With Your BlackBarry

Shortcut To Your Blackberry
  • Phone Shortcut
  1. To change your ring tone, the phone application, press the Menu key. Click Set Ring Tone.
  2. To check your voicemail, press and hold 1.
  3. To send an incoming call to voice mail when the device is inserted in the holster, press and hold the Volume Down key.
  4. To see a list of your contacts in the phone application, press and hold the Send key.
  5. To set a speed dial number to a contact, on the Home screen in the phone application, press and hold the button you want to assign to speed dial.
  6. To add an extension to a phone number, press the Alt key and the X key Type the extension number.
  7. To type the phone number field, press the Alt key and the letter key.
  8. To insert a plus sign (+) when typing a phone number, press the O key
  9. To activate the speakerphone during a call, press the Speakerphone key. To deactivate the speakerphone during a call, press the Speakerphone key again.
  10. To listen to the call with wired headphones, press the Speakerphone key. To stop listening to calls with wired headphones, press the Speakerphone key again.
  11. To switch the phone number, the phone application, click your active phone number. Click the phone number.
  • Message Shortcut
In The Message
  1. To reply to a message, press R.
  2. To reply to all in an email message or a PIN message, press L.
  3. To forward a message, press F.
  4. To file a highlighted email message, press I.
  5. To see the contact email address, highlight the contact in the To or From. Press Q. To view the display name, press Q again
  6. To move to the last cursor position after closing and reopening a message or PIN message has been received, press G.

In a Message List
  1. To open a highlighted message, press the Enter key.
  2. To create a message from the message list, press C.
  3. To mark a message as opened or unopened, press the Alt key and U.
  4. To view received messages and call logs are received, press the Alt key and I.
  5. To view sent messages, press the Alt key and O.
  6. To see the voice message, press the Alt key and V.
  7. To view SMS text messages, press the Alt key and S.
  8. To view call logs, press the Alt key and P.
  9. To see all your messages, press the Escape key.
Move Around a Message List
  1. To move up a screen, press the Shift key and the Space key.
  2. To move down a screen, press the Space key.
  3. To move onto the message list, press T.
  4. To move to the bottom of the message list, press B.
  5. To move to the next date, press N.
  6. To move to the previous date, press P.
  7. To move to the next unopened item, press U.
  8. To move to the next related message, press J.
  9. To move to the previous related message, press K.
See You In Next Post  Do More With Your BlackBarry Part 2..

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How To Increase the CPC (Cost Per Click) Adsense.

CPC (Cost Per Click) or price per click is the amount of money that would be obtained by the publisher when a particular ad is clicked. The CPC will determine the value of our income, the greater the value of the CPC, the greater our revenue. CPC values vary and are determined by many factors. But in general, the maximum value possible is 20% of the value of dynamic bids offered by the advertiser.

There ilkan which have little value and there is a high value. Ads that have a high CPC value is called ad HPK (High Paying Keywords.) Examples of PPC ads are ads on the keyword insurance, loans, forex, and much more. In fact, there are some keyword ads CPC values its ± $ 30 per click. Rates as high as it is not a problem for advertisers, because now Google Adsense is the best PPC programs so that advertisers can reach their business goals. You can check the value of a keyword CPC ads at https: / / adwords.google.com / select / KeywordToolExternal.

you must remember, it is the value of the CPC paid advertisers, while the publisher / publishers only get a maximum of 20% of the value offered by the CPC advertisers. So, the rest is profit google. google has never come clean to the publisher of the CPC accurate values obtained from each ad. Even so, today google adsense PPC program is the most favored by publishers, because the CPC values its average height, so that promise high revenues. Although google take greater advantage.

To maximize revenue from google adsense, can be a way to make a blog niche blog that the majority of content that is focused on one particular topic. An example is a blog about forex trading, health blogs, etc.. But, do not push yourself to determine the blog's content merely to display a particular PPC ad on your blog. Typically, most blog visitors come from niche search engines, especially google, so as to bring visitors to the blog that much needed niche expertise in the field of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). In addition, the performance and quality of your site / blog publisher's can also affect the value of the CPC a google adsense ad.

How To Protect Your Google Adsense Account

google will be very easy to banned account if we are cheating. will be very sorry that get google adsense account is very difficult. maybe we have friends who do not like, so do click ads over and over again by placing ads on their sites. To prevent the clicks because the people who do not like it, Google already provides a menu to protect it. Where if we put the adsense code that does not belong to our site, ads will still appear. But as much as anything click on the ads, will not be counted.

This is a way to protect our account: 

Mechanism to protect the new interface adsense
  1. On the Home menu>> click Account settings.
  2. Navigate to a submenu Access and authorization
  3. Click the Edit button at the end of the writing Sites authorized to show ads -> Allow any site to show ads for my account
  4. Check the option Only allow to perform certain sites to show ads for my account
  5. At Authorized field sites, enter our blog nama2 pasangi adsense. In addition name of listed, will not be counted.
  6.  Click Save.
mechanism to protext the new interface adsense
  1. Click the AdSense Setup> click menu Allowed site.
  2. Choose your site on the choice of settings: thick tick the Only allow to perform certain sites to show ads for my account
  3. Later in the column list your allowed URLs, one per line: Insert the mane sites which are our adsense websites.
  4. Click Save Changes.
It should be noted that this technique does not guarantee the adsense is not banned, but at least to minimize click fraud from people who do not like. Do not get damaged our livelihood because of the pursuit of people who do not like us.

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List of Low-Priced Google Adsense Ads

List Of Low-Price ads

Do you ever see the price-per-click advertising your blog or website low, $ 0.1 or $ 0.01? are you upset? I am sure you answer yes.! low-value ads like that will greatly reduce our income from google adsense, I have experienced it. My first blog click ads worth $ 0.01. I was very surprised and asked, whether this low value click the google adsense. but I'm sure not that small. I always see how to click into two, and I get hits to my second with a value of $ 0.07. very small. I started thinking what was wrong with my adsense account. many days I do to find information, and I get this information. value on google adsense ads are not the same, some low and some high. and I found the site a low value.

you have to do is not difficult, you can filter out low-value site, but still many problems, many sites in google adsense low value, I will provide a valuable site beberepa very low, at least you do not see the value of $ 0.01. This is a website that lower value.


It is very easy, you have to login your adsense account, click on adsense setup and click Competitive Ad Filter and copy paste the list of websites at the top to the adsense for content.

Bonus tips: use shaped text ads advertising. usually in the form of image ads have a low value.

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